How To Delete pages from a PDF? | KDAN PDF Reader
Need to delete pages from a PDF? Use KDAN PDF Reader – available on Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android. Try it for free!
Delete Unwanted Pages with Ease
Creating custom PDFs often results in extra pages you don’t need. With KDAN PDF Reader, you can easily remove them and keep only the essential ones. Save disk space, speed up loading times, and remove unnecessary images or confidential information. Trim your PDF down to just the pages you need in just a few simple steps—quick and effortless for anyone. This feature is designed to be intuitive, helping you stay productive with ease.
Easily delete PDF pages now
How to Delete Pages from PDFs on Mac
1. Open the PDF in PDF Reader
2. Click the "Page Edit" icon on the toolbar to preview pages in thumbnails (Or choose "Tool" > "Page Edit" from the top menu)

3. Select the page(s) you would like to delete and click the "Delete" button.
4. A confirmation dialog box will display. Click "Delete" to confirm

5. Click "File" > "Save" on the top menu to save changes to the PDF

Try KDAN PDF Reader now – available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android, unlock all PDF features!
Your Best Adobe Acrobat Alternative
With KDAN PDF Reader, you can already do anything you need with PDFs. Create, Edit and Share PDFs all in one convenient app.

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