How To Merge & Combine PDF Documents?
Don't be stuck with a mess of too many odd documents. Combine several images, pages, or scans and make something new.
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How to Merge Two or More PDFs on Mac
PDF Reader Mac version provides 3 ways for you to easily access the PDF merger
1. Switch to home page and go to "Office Toolset" tab.

2. Click on the "Merge PDFs" option.

3. Select two or more PDF files you want to combine them into one.
4. You can change the order by dragging the file and then press "Merge".

5. Choose a destination folder to save the merged file. You can save it to the default PDF Reader folder or another one in your Finder.

Using Page Editor:
1. Open a PDF document that you want to combine in PDF Reader.
2. Click on the "Page Edit" icon on the top toolbar to view the PDF in thumbnails.

3. Select the "Append File" option.

4. Then click "Add Files" and add one or more files to the current PDF.

5. Select a page range and a location to append the file (or pages). Then press "Append" to add selected files to the existing one.

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