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Service Proposal

Your service proposal is ready for you to fill out with an easy form-fillable template, perfect for PDF Reader. Take your services to your stakeholders, and present them in a persuasive, compelling form, sure to convince your customers that they need your service.

You need to stay competitive in today’s bidding environment, and the Service Proposal is your chance to stand out above other businesses in your field. Whether you’re offering your services as an individual or as a larger firm, a great Service Proposal is a vital step to winning more business for yourself and your company.

You’ll need to do all of the proper research and homework first, but this template will give you a head-start and a good framework. You should always consult a lawyer though before finalizing any contracts.

Download the template today and edit it using any version of our KDAN PDF Reader apps.

A great service proposal is about establishing the idea of your services as a vital part to your customer’s business. Persuading your customers that they can use your services to better their business is the primary goal you need to undertake. When you are bidding against other service providers, your services need to outshine the other bidders, and ideally cost less too. In order to charge for your services, you will need to show your prospective customers or shareholders that the work you plan to do is necessary for their company.

In any sales process, your service needs to accomplish a number of different goals in order to warrant your customers spending their money on your work. First, your service can save your customer money. In your service proposal, you will need to describe exactly how this process of financial efficiency happens, in broad, big-picture terms, and also down to a fine level of detail. If customers understand the logical reasoning and the numbers, and your service really does save money, then it should be a no-brainer to buy or switch.

Second, your service can potentially sell well if it solves a problem that your customer has. Identify this problem that the customer has, and show how, if solved, this problem would save your customer time and money. Explain the financial details, time and personnel resources required before and after, and use case-studies to explain how the service worked in other businesses.

Third, your service may have the potential to make your customer money. Your customer may have aspirations to grow and be able to handle more clients, more products, or a larger market. You can sell this idea to them, and show your services as the key. Show how your service increases their capabilities, and if you have case studies, share them. Even if you don’t have any case study, you can explain from start to finish how your services will work, and explain how all of the pieces fit together. Your customer’s aspirations to grow and make more money are a powerful tool you can use, and many successful companies are practically based upon putting themselves between their customers and their customers’ aspirations.

When you create a service proposal, it should be customized every time for both your company, the state of the market, and your business and the prospective client. A service proposal is much like any other project proposal. You need to include all of the same sections. On a project proposal, there is almost always a defined timeline with milestones, deadlines, and a schedule. Payment for the completion (the consideration due for your work) is often contingent on the schedule, in order to offer an incentive for your business to finish the project quickly.

Unlike projects, services can be more appealing for clients, if they want to receive smaller deliverables over a larger time period. If the deliverables that you can offer as a service are similar or the same, repeating on a monthly basis, then you can sell a subscription, and you need to persuade your prospective clients that the subscription process is a better one than the alternatives. Pick a few options on the market, or show a potential scenario, and use this to compare your service solution to that of a project-based solution. Show how service-based solutions are better for your customer, and you will remain competitive in bidding environments.

Your proposal should include all of the required sections, but not take up too much of your clients’ time. Especially if you are selling your services on the basis of time efficiency, cost efficiency, or generally saving your clients’ resources, you need to be economical with words as well. A little bit of concise, powerful wording might be a lot better than diving into extreme levels of detail unnecessarily.

When speaking to your clients in a pitch format, or in a written proposal, you need to include all of the proper elements to keep your clients happy and allow them to have peace of mind that all of the elements have been considered and accounted for. But, there is a format for when you inform them. Tell them what you’re going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them. At the beginning and end of your proposal, as you would in a spoken meeting, you should summarize your proposal.

At the beginning of your proposal, talk a bit about the high-level goals. We’ve included a convenient goals section in our template, so you can insert this information here. Be brief, but explain to your clients what you’re going to tell them in the following sections. In the meat of your proposal, don’t deviate from your initial summary, or you might de-rail your own argument. Don’t go off on tangents, and start describing something that isn’t directly proposal content. For this reason, we recommend writing the first section at the end.

If you want the best proposal possible, start with the meat. The meatiest meat, even. That means the numbers, schedule, and low-level details. Write out these nut-and-bolt components first, and make sure they make sense and naturally contribute to your solution. Then, at the very end, after all other components are complete, write your review and summary for the end. Pair each part in your review with the introduction/brief/executive summary. After everything is written, organized, and edited, then write the introductory paragraphs. We do this because we want the first paragraph to ooze with experience, knowledge, and expertise. After you’ve written everything, you can write the first thing your clients read.

It’s recommended to keep your overall length fairly short, but if you need to describe some details in-depth, assume your clients might not read your entire proposal. If they only read a part of it, it’s very likely that they will only read that very first section. That’s why it’s critical that you wait until your very best content and ideas are ready before you write the first words that will hook your client and bring them in.

If you have received or desire to issue any legal document, you must consult a lawyer. Kdan Mobile provides this template for educational purposes only, and you are always responsible for the creation of any legal agreements you sign. By clicking “download” you agree to indemnify and hold harmless and inure Kdan Mobile for any damages incurred as a result of the use of said template for commercial purpose.


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